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Last updated Thursday, August 5, 2004

What is...?

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE):     
Hypoxic Ischemic = lack of oxygen Encephalopathy = damage to brain
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (often abbreviated HIE) means permanent brain injury caused by a lack of oxygen or below normal levels of blood flow to the brain. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen in order to function properly. If oxygen fails to flow from the arteries (blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart) to the brain tissue, or if there is a decreased amount of oxygen in the blood of the arteries, HIE can result. HIE is one of the most common and severe types of brain injury seen in emergency rooms and recovery rooms of virtually every general hospital.
(source: http://www.medfriendly.com/hypoxicischemic.html)

For more information:

Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy is a catchall term for a variety of disorders that affect a child's ability to move and to maintain posture and balance. These disorders are caused by a brain injury that occurs before birth, during birth, or within the first few years after birth. The injury does not damage the child's muscles or the nerves connecting them to the spinal cord-only the brain's ability to control the muscles. Depending on its location and severity, the brain injury that causes a child's movement disorder may also cause other problems. These problems include: Mental Retardation, Seizures, Language Disorders, Learning Disabilities and Vision and Hearing Problems. Cerebral Palsy is usually a lifelong disability even though some children with mild cerebral palsy occasionally recover by the time they are school-aged. In most cases, the movement and other problems associated with cerebral palsy affect what a child is able to learn and do to varying degrees throughout their life. (source: "Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Parent's Guide")

For more information:
http://www.pediatrix.com/parents/Neonatal_Medicine/Conditions/conditions-cerebralpalsy.html http://www.worldortho.com/database/etext/cerebral_palsy.html

Seizure: A seizure is a combination of abnormal electrical discharges in the brain. Children with cerebral palsy are at high risk for seizures because brain damage and scarring can spark abnormal electrical activity. There are many types of seizures. They are classified according to the type and location of the abnormal electrical discharge in the brain. The best way to find out if your child is having a seizure is through a test known as an Electroencephalogram (EEG). During the test, electrodes are placed over your child's scalp to detect the electrical signals produced by the brain. The neurologist monitors and records the electrical activity of the brain for twenty to thirty minutes (sometimes longer), then read the EEG to look for abnormalities in the brain waves. (source: "Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Parent's Guide.")

Descriptions: http://www.epilepsy.org/ctf/syn_frame.html
General information: http://www.epilepsy.com 

Infantile Spasms: Infantile Spasms are a type of seizure that is not uncommon in babies with brain injuries. 

For more information: http://www.epilepsy.org.uk/info/infantile.html
Infantile Spasms group on Yahoo: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/infantilespasms/ 

Tracheostomy: A tracheostomy is an opening surgically created through the neck into the trachea (windpipe). A tube is usually placed through this opening to provide an airway, and to remove secretions from the lungs. This tube is called a tracheostomy tube or trach tube. (source: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002955.htm )

For more information: http://www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/factsheets/misc/living_with_tracheostomy/trac1.html 

G-Tube: Gastrostomy (gastro = stomach, stoma = opening, -y = procedure/method) is the name for the procedure to place a feeding tube into the stomach. The feeding tube is called as the Gastrostomy tube, or commonly the G-tube.

For more information: 

Gastroesophageal Reflux: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~smb4v/tutorials/reflux/

Respiratory Problems: 

Pneumonia: http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacterial_viral/pneumonia.html.

Aspiration: http://www.medstudents.com.br/anest/anest2.htm.

RSV: http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/lung/rsv.html.

Drooling: Drooling is very common because most of the children have low tone in  and around their mouths. http://www.droolinginfo.org/definition.html.

Vision Impairment: http://www.growingstrong.org/blindness/eyes/aa093000a.htm.

Hearing Impairment: http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/sped/projects/ose/categories/hi.html#defin.

Speech Impairment: http://www.mankato.msus.edu/dept/comdis/kuster2/splang.html.

Sensory Integration: http://www.geocities.com/%7Ekasmom/sid.html.

Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a side bending of the spine. This is caused by poor muscle control, poor coordination, or asymmetrical muscle pull. The incidence of scoliosis in children with cerebral palsy varies. It is uncommon in children with hemiplegia but slightly more common in patients with diplegia. (source: "Cerebral Palsy: A Complete Guide for Caregiving")

Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL): Most common with preemie babies that have grade III or IV IVH (intraventricular hemorrhage) this can lead to cerebral palsy.




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